Medicinal Cannabis Industry: Workplace Health and Safety Training
Our new online training courses for the global Cannabis Sector include a Medicinal Cannabis Industry Overview, Cannabis Workplaces and Zones, Workplace Health and Safety, Security Requirements, Botany Basics, and Cultivating Medicinal Cannabis. There are 6 newly-released eLearning modules in Series 1 plus 6 additional advanced crop care and harvesting modules in Series 2 (12 cannabis industry training modules in all)!
These eLearning modules are part of the 12-module online training series for job seekers, applicants and new employees searching for jobs in the Medicinal Cannabis Industry.
- These modules can be taken individually OR can be completed in special training packages of 6 or 12 modules each
- Modules 1-6 (Series 1) are all available now — available in a packaged bundle OR buy both Series 1 and Series 2 and SAVE!
- Modules 7-12 (Series 2) have been recently released (June 2020, with Modules 7 through 10 available now, and the final two Medicinal Cannabis Industry Training courses will be automatically added to your cart if you purchase the entire Series 2 OR the entire 12-part Online Training Series – click here for industry training cost information).
These introductory Medicinal Cannabis Industry Training courses are best taken sequentially as an entire Series of 6 training modules OR ideally the full 12 training modules for a comprehensive foundational learning experience. These Certificate Course training options must be combined with site-specific training and direct Supervision, given the high value of medicinal cannabis crops and the high level of onsite customisation of cannabis operations and plant pests and diseases IPM strategies.
This information is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. It is never to be used, implied or interpreted in any manner as advice for medicinal cannabis crop management or Cultivation operations.
This product is for introductory educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace actual onsite training requirements or Supervision needs; however, it is an excellent orientation training for people exploring job openings in the Medicinal Cannabis Sector or other herbal medicine cultivation roles.
- Vendors, investors, personnel, contractors, licence applicants and entrepreneurs are encouraged to complete the entire 12 part Industry Training Series
- Order the online cannabis industry training courses — and get started today!
Cannabis Industry Induction Training
Who should take these Cannabis Industry Training Courses (Certificate Courses)?
- These online training courses are suitable for people seeking jobs (job seekers) in cannabis companies
- These courses are ideal for anyone aiming to apply for current job openings in the cannabis cultivation or medicine manufacturing industry
- These courses are also useful for Employers to provide to new Cannabis Industry Employees, as part of their Cannabis Industry Induction Training
- E.g., for orientation of employees to GMP/GACP regulations and cultivation basics (pre-employment training courses) and for people considering entering the industry or applying for a licence, as foundational knowledge only
Online Certificate Training Courses for the Medicinal Cannabis Industry are ideal for job seekers, contractors, suppliers/vendors, crop maintenance personnel and security guards wanting to enhance their knowledge of this rapidly-changing industry. Learn cultivation basic, climate controls, recordkeeping, GACP, GMP, audits, pest management and more! Get started today!
Certificate Training Courses: ‘must-have training‘ for Cannabis Industry Job Seekers and Future Industry Employees
These courses are also suitable for cannabis organisations who hire and train new personnel, vendors, system maintenance workers/engineers, and temporary contractors who will work on-site.
Recommended training to enter the Medicinal Cannabis Sector:
Cannabis Industry Training Course packages will help a variety of sector stakeholders, including owners, managers, suppliers and employees, to better understand the unique requirements of the medicinal cannabis cultivation industry.
- Topics include site selection considerations, workflows, licence and permit responsibilities, crop risks and pest and disease management
- Training includes discussions of workplace zones and standard operating procedures (SOPs), industry-specific health & safety considerations, security requirements, basic botany concepts, and cultivation ‘crop care’ basics
- GACP and GMP compliance requirements are also introduced and reinforced across multiple eLearning modules
Start-up operations, investors and entrepreneurs who require a better understanding of regulations and site selection in the medicinal cannabis industry are encouraged to complete the entire 12-part series.
- Any individual interested in the cannabis sector can purchase and complete these courses (Certificate Courses on successful completion of a final assessment). On sites, however, they need to be combined with on-the-job training and direct Supervision for anyone who has direct responsibilities in the sector, including harvesting contractors, crop maintenance workers, suppliers/vendors, laboratory technicians, R&D teams, and warehouse/distribution personnel.
These courses may also suit individuals currently exploring job opportunities in the cannabis sector.
Business owners, investors and Cultivars seeking to apply for a Cultivation or Medicinal Pharmaceutical Manufacturing licence or permit will also benefit from the cannabis industry insights offered in these online training modules.
What industry-specific industry knowledge will be helpful if you’re planning to enter a job opening in the Medicinal Cannabis Industry?
Introducing our Medicinal Cannabis Industry online training series.
Our Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation Academy (MCCA) online training series Modules 1 through 6 are now available
- Cannabis Industry educational training course packages for people entering the Medicinal Cannabis Sector.
- This new 12 module eLearning series includes two packages of 6 modules each.
Who should take these cannabis sector Training Courses created by PharmOut’s cultivation consultants?
These eLearning courses are suitable for Medicinal Cannabis Sector jobseekers, cultivators, botanists, researchers, gardeners, security professionals and recruiting firms engaging with the cannabis industry in Australia, New Zealand, or anywhere around the globe.
Ideal for new employee inductions including introducing GACP and GMP regulations.
Suitable for anyone with an interest in the global cannabis sector or who is applying for industry job openings in the cannabis sector OR currently working in the sector and wanting to expand their knowledge and career options.
Will I get a Qualification or a Certificate for this Cannabis Industry Training Course?
While some universities are teaching cannabis as part of their botany and cultivation program offerings, in many locations around the globe, there are no Formal Qualifications recognised yet for medicinal cannabis.
This is changing, and some countries are designing 4-year cultivation-based qualifications at Universities (costing students thousands of dollars).
- Most training you will get as a jobseeker or new employee will be site-specific, on-the-job training and Supervision.
- However, to apply for a job opening in the medicinal cannabis industry, it is typically very important to have Foundational Knowledge of the Cannabis Cultivation Sector before you seek, or begin, employment.
While not a formal Qualification, you will receive a downloadable Certificate of Completion for Medicinal Cannabis Training if you successfully complete these online training modules including the end-of-course FINAL ASSESSMENT (one Certificate per each module or a total of 12 Certificates if you complete the entire 12-module Series).
If you complete 12 modules successfully, you’ll receive 12 downloadable Certificates of Completion from PharmOut’s industry-respected Online GMP Training course programs.
You can download, save and print these Certificates of Completion and:
- attach to your resume and job applications AND/OR
- attach to your employment file (helps your employer meet their regulation requirements as all employees need ongoing training in GACP and GMP)
- submit to future Cannabis Industry employers when applying for jobs and/or starting your new career in the medicinal cannabis industry
Brief Description of the Training Course Modules
- Module 1, the foundational course for the Cannabis Industry Overview (eMCCA101), discusses cannabis industry legal changes, GMP compliance and regulations.
- Module 2 overviews Medicinal Cannabis Sector Workplaces and Zones; introducing the concept of workflows and standard operating procedure (SOPs).
- Module 3 introduces Workplace Health & Safety considerations specific to cannabis sector managers, contractors and personnel.
- Module 4 provides a synopsis of the strict Security Requirements in the Medicinal Cannabis Industry, which apply to all cannabis cultivation and pharmaceutical production operations and licence holders.
- Module 5 gives learners an overview of Botany Basics and introduces regulations of GMP and GACP when working with medicinal crops.
- Module 6 helps learners understand Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation and crop care basics, including understanding climate controls required to cultivate a cannabis crop for medicinal purposes and which plant stressors to avoid to minimise crop failure risks and green waste.
Visit the store pages for information on Series 1 and Series 2 for Medicinal Cannabis Industry jobs training fundamentals.
Can anyone take these Cannabis Industry education courses?
- Yes, these courses are available online and anyone can register to attend.
- Cost: $300 USD for a bundle of 6 courses (discount series package) or $600 USD for all 12 modules.
Disclaimer: These online induction training courses are for education purposes only. They are designed to be combined with specific onsite training and Supervision, and region-specific training, delivered by appropriately trained onsite personnel.
They are not to be used for decision-making nor for any other purposes other than orientation/induction training as part of a comprehensive learning program managed by the Operator, Quality Manager and/or other onsite WHS Management.
Find out more about these online courses (click here for Series 1).
Medicinal Cannabis Workplaces & Zones
Newly released online courses designed specifically for Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation and Manufacturing sectors.
Snapshot of the Workplaces & Zones eLearning Course for Medicinal Cannabis Sector: Module 2 of 12
Medicinal Cannabis Workplaces & Zones, including an overview of Job Roles in the Cannabis Industry
- Module 2 highlights the importance of site selection and the benefits of access-restricted zones and strategic processes/SOPs.
- This module (eMCCA102) also provides an overview of job roles in the cannabis sector.
- Includes industry-specific information on job role responsibilities and cannabis industry recruitment requirements per licencing and permit regulations.
Online courses are available individually or as part of a 6-course eLearning series package for the Cannabis Cultivation and Manufacturing Sector.
All eLearning is specifically for education purposes only.
- This module should be combined with onsite cannabis industry training by the employee’s Supervisors and/or Medicinal Cannabis Business Owners.
- Prerequisites:
- eMCCA101: Medicinal Cannabis Industry Overview (Module 1 of 12)
- Recommended but not required: GMP01, GMP02 or Golden Rules of GMP
Medicinal Cannabis Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)
Snapshot of the Workplace Health & Safety eLearning Course for Medicinal Cannabis Sector: Module 3 of 12
Medicinal Cannabis WHS
- Module 3 overviews specific medicinal cannabis workplace health and safety considerations in the cannabis industry (WHS/WH&S).
- This module should be combined with specific regional training in WHS including onsite training.
- Prerequisites:
- eMCCA101: Medicinal Cannabis Industry Overview (Module 1 of 12)
- eMCCA102: Medicinal Cannabis Workplaces & Zones (Module 2 of 12)
- Recommended but not required: GMP01, GMP02 or Golden Rules of GMP
To learn more about the other Cannabis Industry eLearning courses and online employee induction training options and jobseeker training courses for the industry, visit the course detail pages.
Medicinal Cannabis Industry Orientation Training including WHS and Security Courses: Special discounted bundle offer for 6 online training courses.
Page Topic: Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) in Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Sectors
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Last updated on July 6th, 2023 at 10:24 am