Recalls of pharmaceutical products and medical devices are not uncommon, and Regulatory Authorities expect manufacturing personnel to be trained and prepared to implement a recall quickly (if required).
This course covers industry requirements, standards and guidelines for “Recalls of Therapeutic Goods”.
This online GMP eLearning course, covering medicinal product recall regulations, is a useful addition to any medicinal product industry training program/GMP training program.
It is suitable for pharmaceutical industry personnel, medical device industry personnel, and Regulatory Compliance Inspectors/Government Authorities.
This recalls course is suitable for a worldwide audience.
The course includes PIC/S guidance (global standards for managing product recalls), with additional recall guidance obtained from the FDA, TGA, MHRA, EMA, other Regulatory Authorities and industry standards organisations.
Requirements for Recalls of Therapeutic Products
This certificate GMP training course for Recalls of Therapeutic Products is ideally suited for:
Pharmaceutical industry personnel
Medical device manufacturing personnel
Operations managers and business owners
Medical device quality assurance teams and device maintenance or testing managers
Auditors and GMP Compliance Inspectors
Quality Team Leaders and Quality Management Associates
The Authorised Person (also known as ‘Responsible Person’ or ‘Qualified Person’ responsible for batch certification and release)
Pharmacovigilance teams or contractors
Logistics Managers including Pharmaceutical Distribution Contractors
Other personnel working in a GMP/cGMP environment
Product managers
Laboratory testing personnel
Operations Managers/Department Managers
Customer service/sales representatives
Administrative officers and contact personnel
Distribution/logistics personnel
Online training: Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Product Recalls
Why is training in recall preparedness important?
At times, serious quality defects (deviations or non-conformances) are only discovered after a medicinal product is released to the market.
Depending on the defect scenario and product risks, non-conforming products may necessitate a recall.
Inspectors also generally evaluate recall preparedness when conducting a regulatory compliance audit and expect your team to be trained in implementing recalls.
Risks of Defective Products/Therapeutic Goods
There are numerous risks with defective products and/or with recall implementation (risks to patients/consumers, the company, its distributors and its employees).
Recalls of therapeutic products must therefore be carefully managed, in accordance with internal recall procedures, PIC/S GMP guidelines, and national laws, in order to minimise risks to patients and consumers (or with veterinary medicines, to minimise risks to animals/pets).
GMP Regulations for Recalls & Recall Training
Recalls pharmaceuticals/medicines, medical devices and other therapeutic goods
Preparing your team to implement recalls of therapeutic goods is an important component of your Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS) and personnel training program for GMP compliance.
Even when a recall of your product type is unlikely, your team must be prepared to manage a recall situation or other product defect crisis.
When a recall is called for:
GMP employees must know who to contact (internally and externally), and when.
Your recall procedures must be up-to-date and effective.
Recall procedures must include in-hours and out-of-hours communication protocols and contact information.
Public notification protocols & national laws must be followed in each distribution region/Regulatory Authority jurisdiction.
Not all product types are handled the same way; recall classes have an impact on recall procedures (e.g. Class I, Class II, and Class III recalls).
Recall Procedures should form part of your Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS) or Medical Device Quality Management System (QMS).
Completing this Certificate GMP training course in product recall processes/recall management willย help your team learn what’s generally expected by Regulators in terms of:
Medical Device & Pharmaceutical Recalls: Guidelines
Content in this eLearning course (Recalls of Therapeutic Goods) will help learners answer the following questions:
What are the regulatory requirements for implementing recalls of therapeutic goods (e.g., recalls of medicines, medical devices, veterinary medicines, and other products)?
What steps are involved in planning and implementing a recall of a medicinal product or medical device?
What types of quality defects (or suspected tampering) could lead to a recall scenario?
Do recall procedures vary for different types of pharmaceutical products or implanted medical devices?
Do you need to notify the Regulatory Authority before you take a recall action or do you notify customers first?
Will your recall lead to supply chain shortages that the Regulatory Authority needs to consider?
Does the Consumer Protection Agency need to be involved?
Learn about recalls of products in a GMP environment in this comprehensive online course.
This fully online Certificate GMP training course covers product recalls of various pharmaceutical product types and medical devices. In addition to the latest PIC/S guidance for Recalls and Rapid Alerts, this course includes pharmaceutical product recall guidance from several Competent Authorities, as well as product-specific recall guidance publications.
To order, simply scroll up and “add to cart”, complete your purchase, and then check your email system for an email with your login details (search all mailboxes).
Recall guidance in this course includes PIC/S PE 009-17 as well as guidance from Regulatory Authorities such as:
EU EMAย medicinal product recall guidance
US FDAย medicinal product recall guidance
Australian TGA medicinal product recall guidance
UK MHRAย medicinal product recall guidance
Purchase this course online, and start your training today!ย Be sure to read the FAQs so you know what to expect.
“Recalls of Therapeutic Products” (Compliance Training)
This online Certificate training course includes information on the following aspects of a recall:
Product-specific recall guidance
Including requirements for recalling biological products and/or blood-based products or plasmas
Recall guidance based on recall classification (recall class), type, and level
US FDA guidance on recalls of therapeutic goods – 21 CFR, Chapter 7 (Enforcement policy)
Learn what’s required for therapeutic goods product recall procedures!
GMP compliance training course on pharmaceutical product recall procedures, veterinary medicine recalls, and medical device recalls – including FDA recalls and TGA recalls (case studies).
This course will help personnel understand common questions relating to product recalls of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, such as:
How do product recall procedures fit into a Pharmaceutical Quality System (PQS) or other Quality Management System (QMS)?
Which scenarios can lead to recalls of therapeutic products such as pharmaceuticals, diagnostic kits, or medical devices?
Are most therapeutic product recalls voluntary (initiated by the manufacturer)?
Or are they mandated by the Regulatory Authority, such as the TGA or FDA?
What’s required when planning for a recall for a medicine or medical device?
What do regulators expect in terms of ‘mock recalls’ (simulated recalls)?
Who do you notify, and when, if you detect a product defect that poses a serious risk to public health and safety (or animal health and safety?) When is a media release required?
Are there different recall requirements for specific types of products such as vaccines, blood products, medical devices, heart devices (pacemakers), and other therapeutic goods?
What do you need to submit to the Competent Authority/Regulatory Authority when preparing a product recall action plan?
Do consumer protection agencies need to be involved?
Which product quality issues may necessitate a recall? (e.g. defects, complaints, out-of-specification results, etc.)
GMP industry training experts
The course provides learners with PIC/S cGMP guidance including internationally accepted standards and regulatory guidance for managing recalls due to product defects or other serious quality issues.
With online training for CAPA implementation and GMP requirements, you can mix and match GMP education courses with a training bundle package.
Alternatively, you can purchase a single course or just a few of the courses you need to enable ‘just in time’ learning.
Note: one learner, one cGMP course completion Certificate per course purchase.
The learner will have 12 months’ access to the course.
Successful completion of the Final Assessment (online) gives learners a downloadable online training certificate of completion for this topic.
Do you need to train your personnel to follow SOPs for CAPA?
If you need to train large numbers of employees on Recalls, CAPAs, complaints management, and/or Deviations and Non-Conformances Management in a GMP environment,ย contact us for a quote.
If you’re purchasing this course for yourself and your future career in the pharmaceutical industry, consider the customisable 4-bundle course packages.
Note: All course prices are in US dollars.
Bundled training options let you ‘mix and match’ standard courses and/or assign courses to different employees when required (enabling ‘just in time’ GMP training).ย All successfully completed courses provide learners with a time-dated GMP Training Certificate for successful completion of that particular GMP education topic.
Add the course to your basket and complete your purchase.
Remember, the course fees are listed in US Dollars.
Check your emails (all folders) for log-in instructions approximately 5 to 10 minutes after your order is finalised.
Be sure to search for/add the following domains to your safe sender’s list: “” and”.
GMP Training Course Benefits:
The training course will assist personnel in understanding Regulatory expectations for therapeutic product recalls, including documentation requirements, investigations, root cause analysis, CAPA, and customer and supplier notification requirements.
This course will assist personnel who may be involved with product recalls to understand regulatory expectations; and can help you establish a more GMP-compliant culture in your organisation.
Other recommended regulatory compliance courses/GMP education topics: